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Client Info

Where did you hear about the SFL and/or HCC:
* Last Name
* First Name
Maiden Name
Please list other names you may have used
* What is your housing situation today?

Home Address

Zip Code

Mailing Address content_copy Copy Home Address

Zip Code


Daytime Phone
Other Phone
* Email

Age & Ethnicity

* Date of Birth
* Sex
Primary Language

Other Language:
Served in Armed Forces
* U.S. Citizen
* If Not, Has Legal Documentation
Do you identify as Haitian?
1. Highest Level of Education
* Household Members:Tell us who is in your family. A household consists of you (the client), your spouse, and any children 18 years of age and younger within your legal guardianship, including unborn children.

Number of people in your household:
* Would you like someone from the Maternal Child Health program at Public Health to contact you about programs you may be eligible for?


* 2. What Kind of health care coverage do you have (check all that apply)?
3. This year does your health care pay for (check all that apply)?
4. Have you met your deductible?

Specify amount of deductible:
5. Have there been any changes in your health care coverage in the past 6 months?

Please Specify:
6. How long has it been since you had health care coverage?
7. What is the main reason your are without health care coverage?
8. What is your income before deductions (gross income)?
What is your spouse's income before deductions (gross income)?
Total Monthly Income:
9. Are You (please check all that apply)


10. Was there a time during the last 6 months when you needed to see a doctor, but could not because of any of the following reasons? Please read and check all that apply.
11. Do you have a primary care doctor or healthcare provider? (A primary care doctor is a doctor who will see you for a checkup and sick visit).
12. If you are sick or need medical advice, where do you go?
13. What types of assistance, if any, do you need in making or keeping medical appointments?


14. In the past 6 months, have you had any health problems?
15. Have you or any member of your family had cancer?
* 16. Currently, do you smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes or use other tobacco products?
* Would you like to be referred to DE Quitline?
17. Have you smoked cigarettes in the last 15 years?
18. Do you smoke cigarettes?
19. On average how many packs of cigarettes do/did you smoke per day?
20. How long have you been smoking cigarettes, or how long did you smoke cigarettes?
21. Have you had a CT scan of your lungs within the last 12 months?
* 22. Do you live in a house with a basement below ground level?
Would you like to be referred to Delaware Healthy Homes?
* 23. Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional ever told you that you have diabetes?
* 24. Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional ever told you that you have high blood pressure?
* 25. Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional ever told you that your cholesterol is high?
26. Women only: Are you pregnant?
27. Women only: Do you plan to become pregnant in the next year?
Women only: Would you like someone from the Maternal Child Health program at Public Health to contact you about programs you may be eligible for?
28. Women only: Do you still have your cervix?
29. Do you have a disability?
* 30. In the past year have you experienced lack of food for yourself and your family?
* 31. Is lack of daytime transportation a barrier to attending your cancer screening appointments?
* 32. Do you have children in your home?
* 33. Do you have adequate access to home cleaning supplies?
* 34. Women Only: Have you ever received a pelvic exam?
* 35. Women Only: Have you ever received a Pap test?
* 36. Women Only: Have you ever received a HPV test?
* 37. Women Only: Have you ever received a mammogram?
* 38. Do you use any of the following types of computer: Desktop/Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet?
* 39. Do you or any member of this household have access to the internet?


Proof of Name and Date of Birth
  • Document must contain proof of full legal name and date of birth (i.e. Birth certification, DE driver’s license, State identification, Passport, Permanent Resident card, Matricula Consular Card, Employment Authorization card)
  • If name has been changed, please provide proof of legal name change
Proof of Ineligibility or Exemption from the Health Insurance Marketplace
  • HCC Only
  • Completed DPH Client Self-attestation form may be acceptable (included in your enrollment application packet)
Proof of Health Insurance, if applicable
  • If you indicated you have health insurance on the enrollment application, please provide a copy of your health insurance card, indicating deductible amount and covered benefits
Proof of Household Income
  • A Household consists of you (the client), your spouse, and any children under the age of 18 within your legal guardianship. All others not meeting this description should NOT be included in your application.
  • (provide a copy of ALL that apply)
  • If you and/or spouse are employed, provide proof of last 4 weeks’ income (paystubs for the last 30 days with gross amount and deductions)
  • If unable to provide paystubs for you and/or spouse, provide an statement from the employer, indicating how many hours you work per week and your hourly rate
  • If self-employed, provide your most recent completed tax return with all schedules
  • If you receive Unemployment, Social Security Benefits , Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Alimony, Worker’s Compensation, Child Support, Pension or Disability, provide the notice/award letter, listing the income awarded and/or received
  • If you have no income, provide a letter/statement of support from the individual who is providing financial support
Proof of State of Delaware Residency – Home Address
  • (provide a copy of 1 of the following)
  • Delaware Driver’s License or State Identification card
  • Utility invoice with current home address (Note: Cable and phone bills are not considered utility invoices)
  • Current Lease and/or Rental Agreement
  • If unable to provide the above documents, provide a statement verifying your physical address and your intent to reside in Delaware
Medical Records
Billing Records
Other Files

Agreement and Authorization to Release Information